Trade school graduates are great people to hire, but they aren’t ready to work as soon as they graduate; they can require weeks or even months of in-house training from their new employers.
That’s the consensus we heard interviewing countless contractors on the hiring process. Happy to hire recent graduates, but certification rarely translates to making an impact on the business on day 1.
That’s where our Workforce Readiness Business Supplement comes in. Contractors identified the most glaring gaps in trade school graduates’ educations – areas that often only come with industry working experience. So, we partnered with our sister organization, Contractor University, the leading provider of on-demand online training systems for the home services industry, to offer powerful virtual training courses in each of those subjects.
This curriculum is free to trade schools to in turn offer to their students. Each student who completes these five courses and, each comprised of 5+ video lessons and totaling 20+ hours of learning, will receive a certificate and a proficiency in those in-demand business & soft skills to pair with their technical education.